Marketing Adjacent Teaser Trailer

Marketing Adjacent Trailer

[00:00:00] Mike Grinbeg: and we're recording.

[00:00:01] Garrio Harrisson: So, you know, we're talking a little bit about, uh, why, why are we doing this? Why now? Um, so do you want to, do you wanna go first?

[00:00:12] Mike Grinbeg: You go for it. You seem to have a, you've got, you've got your whole thing lined up. I gotta, I'm gonna respond to what you're saying.

[00:00:19] Garrio Harrisson: What I always enjoyed about our conversations is I get to take the ideas that everybody else has had and kinda wrestle with it with you, which in turn helps me form my own opinion.

So, um, I've always appreciated that. And I think, you know, this gives us an opportunity to just, again, take our conversations to a wider audience, but also model that behavior for, uh, the next generation, which I, um, I think is cool. And it's also gonna be cool to look back at our thinking down the road. , you know, what, what did we get right?

What did we get wrong? Um, and just kind of have an [00:01:00] archive of, of these conversations.

[00:01:01] Mike Grinbeg: I like where you're coming from with this. For me, there's the personal need of, okay, let's give ourselves a reason to talk more, because like you, it's a way for me to wrestle with some of these things that are going on, some of these ideas, some of these trends, concepts, insights, et cetera and then get feedback on them. And there's been, you know, there's definitely been a, a few times, uh, where I've said something in response to some of your thinking, and then I have to eat my words, which I appreciate.

Um, and Yeah. And then the other thing I think too is, I think there's, again, there, like you said, there's a lot of this talking head marketing stuff out there. But it's, they don't, they don't go far enough I think, I don't know if I'm gonna call it philosophically.

Uh, to kind of looking at, you know, second, third, fourth, fifth order effects of the things that are happening. And I think media and marketing [00:02:00] are very much a reflection of society and a lot of the things we're seeing in tech tend to show themselves first in media and marketing and advertising before they show themselves anywhere else.

Maybe gaming, you know, things like that. And I think we have a first row seat, if you will, and like we're participants in a lot of the stuff that a lot of people don't get to see and talk about and really think about.

[00:02:31] Garrio Harrisson: Right? Yeah. So do you, um, do you wanna give a teaser of how we're going to, up to the breakdown or how we, how we thought

[00:02:43] Mike Grinbeg: about it.

Yeah, I was, I was hoping to have these, like transitions ready and like go through that, but , the best way I can describe it is think. Pardon the interruption, but for business and marketing.

[00:02:54] Garrio Harrisson: Yeah. I think the, when I think about it, um, it's a casual [00:03:00] conversation that, you know, short form's not the right word, but it's digestible and casual. Right? It's almost as if you're sitting at the table with, you know, two folks that have a lot of opinions and a lot of perspective on some of the new stuff that's coming down the pipeline.

But, unlike folks that are, you know, form their opinion and then present it to the world fully baked, you're actually getting to sit in on some of the, the wrestling, um, that lead to those, uh, those decisions. And some, sometimes the outcome might be, yeah, we've still got some more thinking to do on this thing.

Right? But at the very least, you're, you're, you're getting a, a front row seat to some of that thinking.

[00:03:52] Mike Grinbeg: Well, let's be honest. Are opinions ever really fully baked? I mean, true. They're always evolving, right? Right. So let, let's give folks [00:04:00] the, uh, pun intended, the rundown of what our segments are gonna be and what, what they can expect.

Uh, we have three segments planned as of right now. Mm-hmm. So, first of all, is the Rundown. Garrio and I are gonna pick on a weekly basis. This will be a weekly show as of right now, or sorry, biweekly show.

I'm kidding. Biweekly show. Bi-week, uh, bi-weekly show. We're gonna pick three of what we believe are the top most interesting and impactful I guess current events happening in the world of business and marketing and, adjacent things. That's why we're calling this Marketing Adjacent. Mm-hmm.

We'll pick three and we'll maybe even ask our listeners for help picking some of these topics over time. The second thing we're gonna do is we're gonna have a, a segment called, Is It Helpful?, which is we're gonna pick a, a [00:05:00] current, uh, recent action or campaign, if it's marketing, something like that, uh, that's been recently done or, uh, shared.

And we're gonna discuss, is this helpful to the brand? Is this the, do we believe it's the right decision? If we were in these shoes, would we do this? What impact do we see it having? So it's a bit of a way for us to dissect, uh, something specific. And last but not least, which may or may not be your favorite, but it's definitely gonna be our favorite, uh, if we had to pick favorites, is we're gonna call the segment Perspective.

And again, Garrio as, as you were saying, you know, I would call us active observers, uh, in this space. I like that we observe a lot of, a lot of things happening, and this will be a time for us to discuss one of these things, one of these core trends that we're seeing and add our perspective, or thoughts on it, and where it's gonna go, what [00:06:00] impact it's gonna have on, you know, business, marketing, greater society, all that kind of fun.

[00:06:06] Garrio Harrisson: Should we talk a little bit about the sausage making behind, uh, coming up with, with the, with the topics? Because I, I'm not gonna lie, I actually really enjoyed that bouncing back and forth. Um, cause there were some things that I did not even realize, um, were

were happening. And when you shared some of those articles as we were trying to decide like, you know, what makes the cut, um, it was kind of cool to, uh, it was a pleasant side effect, um, or byproduct is, is hearing, hearing stuff that you're seeing that I might not have seen and vice versa.

[00:06:41] Mike Grinbeg: Actually this might be fun since we're building a public is, I mean, we've been having these conversations for a while. We had the general idea for this months ago. Mm-hmm. , but then both of us were busy, we're doing other things and we sat on it forever. Uh, and then we recorded a couple of our conversations just for posterity's sake.[00:07:00]

Mm-hmm. . And then we finally said, okay, let's do this. And then we went from concept to this in a matter of a week.

[00:07:10] Garrio Harrisson: Yeah. So I think we, we said, Hey, let's, let's do this and let's figure out what it would look like in the next time we chatted. And that's, that was a, the, the, a week ago.

And when we did that, we came into it with, with two constraints. The first was, uh, what would need to be true for this thing to get launched in a week, right? Um, and then we started asking ourselves questions about, okay, based on what we do on a day-to-day basis, um, and what we consume and interact, what would be a part of our regular workflow that.

Make for an interesting segment and we landed on, um, we're always looking at news, we're always commenting, we're always engaging on LinkedIn, right? [00:08:00] Um, just being a part of that, you know, digital global conversation. Um, we both do that. So that was gonna be an easy way of getting content in. Now the next question was, okay, how are we gonna sort through these in a way so we're not just going on and on and on and on and on, and we kind of limited it to.

right. But then by Tuesday we would have to have selected what the three topics were gonna be. And even just the exercise of doing that this week was a lot of fun. Cause some of the stuff that didn't make the cut, I'm still going down those rabbit holes. And then, you know, there's so many, and this, this is going to sound a little bit, you know, spicy for our traditional advertisers out there looking at all the, the ads that get a lot of accolades and kind of show up, and then we, you know, ask the question like, how did this actually impact the bottom line?

And those conversations that we, [00:09:00] we have always lead to some interesting outcomes, right? Like when you kind of do the math in your head and you say, holy smoke, cause like, how much did they spend on this campaign and what was the roi? And could those dollars have been spent in a better way. Those are always interesting conversations. And in the last segment, you know, landing on, well, those are all great.

It's somewhat talking head, but again, we're constantly wrestling with ideas and challenging each other's thinking and the, the idea of what's a segment that we can use to, to capture that magic when, when we have our conversations and you know, you were like, well, let's just call it our perspective and then boom, perspective.

Right? Uh, and again, that took us what we were hanging out, chatting, took us about the whole thing.

[00:09:50] Mike Grinbeg: Took us about 30 minutes, I think, maybe

[00:09:52] Garrio Harrisson: 40. Yeah. To nail down. And then from there it's just, okay, well what are the, what are the to-dos coming out of it? We divied up [00:10:00] and here we are. So I think this is a good example of.

um, or a good takeaway for folks who are thinking about doing something like this, that it doesn't need to be complicated.

[00:10:13] Mike Grinbeg: Well, I think the way I was thinking about this is that I think as it very often happens in kinda the entre entrepreneur's mind, like you're scratching your own itch. And I'm thinking, okay, I listen to a decent amount of podcasts. I watch, you know, I follow a number of, uh, you know, YouTube shows and things like that, and.

For, I don't listen to a lot of marketing podcasts or even even business podcasts anymore cuz they're all the same.

It's a lot of the same people. A lot of the, they're having the same conversations over and over again. They're usually promoting their book, right. It's, or something like, or their show or something like that. Mm-hmm. . And it just becomes very, very repetitive. And [00:11:00] so some of this is like, okay, if I were to watch something and listen to something, but what I wanna watch and listen to, right?

Yeah. Should we leave people with a cliffhanger of some of the stuff we're gonna talk about next week?

Ah. Or should we save it?

[00:11:18] Garrio Harrisson: um, the cliff hanger is, there's gonna be a lot of spicy topics. There it is. There

[00:11:27] Mike Grinbeg: it is. Spicy topics. And on that note, we'll see you all next week.

​I like that. I'm

[00:11:40] Garrio Harrisson: stealing that term. Creator

[00:11:41] Mike Grinbeg: enablement. Creator enablement. Steal it. Starting today. trademark.

I think that is the way that you diversify risk because

[00:11:57] Garrio Harrisson: [00:12:00] And how do I do it in a way that honors the, the. the investment of blood, sweat, and tears

[00:12:10] Mike Grinbeg: are we considered geriatric millennials? Isn't that what we, you know what

[00:12:18] Garrio Harrisson: Legacy building mode, right? Like, look

Marketing Adjacent Teaser Trailer
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